Examples of Tupac music: "Keep your head up", and ''IF I DIED 2NITE''
One of his poems are...
when your hero falls from grace
all fairy tales r uncovered
myths exposed and pain magnified
the greatest pain discovered
u taught me 2 be strong
but I'm confused 2 c u so weak
u said never 2 give up
and it hurts 2 c u welcome defeat
when ure hero falls so do the stars
and so does the perception of tomorrow
without my hero there is only
me alone 2 deal with my sorrow
your heart ceases 2 work
and your soul is not happy at all
what r u expected 2 do
when ure only hero falls.
Interpretation of the poem: I think that the poem means that when the person that you look up to falls and give up on something, after that there's nothing to look forward to. All is defeated, he's saying that his hero taught him how to be strong but he's confused because his hero is showing weakness.
One of his quotes is:"The real tragedy is that there are some ignorant brothers out here. That's why I'm not on this all-White or all Black shit. I'm on this all-real or all fake shit with people, whatever color you are. Because niggaz will do you. I mean, there's some [foul] niggaz out there [in the streets]; the same niggaz that did Malcolm X, the same niggaz that did Jesus Christ- every brother ain't a brother. They will do you. So just because it's Black, don't mean it's cool. And just because it's White don't mean it's evil."
Interpretation: I love this quote because to me it shows that Tupac was a real person.
a real person or not. He is saying that even the people that is the same color and In this quote he's saying that to him it was never about color, black and white. It's about if you're race as you would stab you in the back. I agree because all people do now in days is worry about race and their are allot of people that are racist but if you really think hard about it and realize that it's not about color because if someone is ignorant , that person is just ignorant. It's not the whole race.
You could tell that everything he wrote about came from within. I am more of a R&B lover but I love hearing Tupac songs because he was not just a rapper, he was a poet. That was what made him special. The fact that he took his own life experiences and put it in his songs was wonderful, I believe that many people misunderstood him. They say "To be great is to be misunderstood", sometimes I wish I could just talk to Tupac and him how I feel, and what's going on in my life because I know he would probably be the only one that would understand. What's crazy is that people don't even understand how much music can inspire people, music is very inspirational. Tupac has taught me that I should want better for myself cause even when you don't have anything or anyone in the world you could make it to the top.

tupac is alive sooo you don't have to say r.i.p. for real i seen him last week ^_^ he got a cool whip too
tupac is one of my favorite artists still. If yea keeps coming up with a new album that is. lol
one of my favorite songs by him is changes because thats just the way it is. lol
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