Monday, July 21, 2008

AL GORE (American Activist)

Al Gore is an American environmental activist, former politician, former journalist and the former Vice President of Bill Clinton.
Al Gore made a film called "An Inconvenient Truth'' on the topic of global warming. He received a Nobel peace prize and a Academy award.

Al Gore explains In his speech that the economy is bad and how he wants America to 100% carbon free. Our nation is in trouble, Our environment is in trouble. I listen to a speech of Al Gore and in this speech he described the economy Everything is going wrong, gas prices are increasing, electricity rates are increasing and their are fewer jobs everyday. He talks about how there is a crisis and people need t o start doing something about it.

We need to have the courage to make changes. The climate crisis is getting a lot worse. It's a known fact that there is a 75% chance that with in (5) years that the ice cap that is under the north pole will disappear.

Our nation is in trouble, we are fighting over oil, In the speech Al Gore referred to the weather and remarked if we noticed that the weather is getting stranger. With more floods, more fires in California.The war in Iraq and Afghanistan is getting worse. We rely on carbon based fuels too much. Some products of carbon based fuels are: Gas, Oil, Cellar phones, Computers, and plastic.We are borrowing money from China to buy oil from the Persia Gulf to destroy the planet. It doesn't make sense, we need to find a less expensive way to live I'll life. Higher temperatures lead to dryer vegetation. He says what if we could use fuels that aren't expensive and don't cost pollution.The answer is we could with(SOLAR ENERGY). When the demand for oil and coal increases, the price goes up but when the demand of solar energy increases, the price often comes down.Every one degree that goes up in the temperature, lightening will strike 10% more. We have less then ten years to make changes or we could lose our ability to ever recover from this environment crisis.

Al Gore says "Demand for oil and coal increases, and the price goes up. Demand for solar energy increase, and the price often comes down". The answer is right there, solar energy is the way to go. I do not understand why people don't want to make moves. Start working on saving energy. I think that everyone should come together as a nation and come up with some ideas that can help us conserve energy. During the next ten years we should be able to work together and save energy.We are in trouble and we need to do something about it. I agree with Al Gore, we should start now, and I think that he is a great person because what people don't know is that he is educated us. He is trying to make us aware of what's going on and not too many people is listening. For every one person he reaches, they can help us conserve energy.Ways that I can help conserve energy is cutting off the lights in my room at a certain time. Unplugging the T.V and any other appliances when I leave the house. At least then I will feel like I am helping conserve the energy that we desperately need.

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