Benjamin Franklin
I think that the quote means that if some ones tell you something, It can be true or not true. If I know it's true then I don't have to investigate it but if I am not sure about what someones is telling me then I have to investigate it.People talk all the time and most of the time people don't even know what they are talking about.So allot of times I have to investigate and find out if what was told to me true.
For example: I can tell someone something that I know about another person but how do the person that I'm telling the information to know that i am telling the truth, he or she if they want would have to investigate.
That's why I think that Benjamin Franklin says that I shouldn't believe everything that I hear because if I hear information about something and I know it's true then I won't have to look in to it but if I am not sure about the information that I hear, then I must investigate and find out what I would like to know.As much as we rely on our eyes, the truth is our eyes can play tricks on us.Just like we can see something normally, we can also think that we saw something.People uses they eyes to see but what I think I see may not always be the case.For
Example: If I saw my friend boyfriend with a girl, I could tell her what I saw. Get her all mad and upset , then find out later that the girl I saw him with was his sister. I am seeing it with my very eyes doesn't mean that it is real. It's only what I think I'm seeing. I shouldn't judge someone that I don't know or make comments about things that I know nothing about. I should ask questions if I want to know something(Investigate)or say nothing at all.I think that everyone should do that, I think everyone should be sure about what they see and hear because if I am telling people false information, that could cause problems. That is why investigating is important.
One quote that I like is:
"Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with shades of deeper meaning. "
Maya Angelou
I think that this quote is saying that words and the meaning of words are important. People don't understand how important words are. There are many people who often use words in many ways. Words can hurt someones feelings and can break people's spirits. Words can lift someones spirits up and it can make someone smile. Words, especially powerful words are important. As humans give the words deeper meanings. Some people don't understand the power of the word.
For example, of some powerful words to me:Love, Sex, and Negro(A word used to call African Americans during slavery time). Those are all powerful words and many people use t hem with out knowing the meaning of each of them.
Love, I wouldn't just tell someone I love them and I really didn't love them.
You have to also know how to say it, cause after all Maya did say ''It takes a Human voice to infuse them with shades of deeper meaning.
Sex, People don't understand that sex is a big thing to people and lot of Young girls uses their body like a product off a shelve at a store, some people just don't have any respect for them selves.
Negro(nigga), This is a word that African American people are ashamed of , Yet black people still wants to use it. It has become a habit now. Every other word is a n****, Its really starting to piss me off after we was called that word while we were slaves. I am deeply ashamed.I feel that African American people should have more class and proud of where we come from. I think that I should be proud that people fault for me to be here, I didn't just get an eduction over night and some people just take hings for granted.
I agree with your interpretation of the quote. A lot of people do talk a lot of gossip of things that are not true. Thats when it's our turn to go out there and get proof on what they said.By the way,I like the quote you put up. :)
When ever we out to the movies. We gonna have mad fun lol
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