Monday, August 11, 2008
Self Assessment ***
I think that the Habits of mind was the piece I was most proud of because I really felt connected to that piece. The blog that I wasn't really proud of was the "Advice to Youth", which was a recent piece. I didn't really enjoy writing this piece because I had a hard time writing it. I misunderstood what the author was saying because he was saying it in such a satirical way, and I had a hard time with that because I hardly knew was satire meant. This writing piece was just very difficult for me.
Thinking about all of the blogs that I have done in the past, I think that I deserve a grade of a 85 or higher because I really worked hard on all the blogs especially when it came down to expressing my opinions and ideas on a subject.
I read Teens Posting Fight Video on Web, What's Behind the Trend?, Web networking photos come back to bite defendants and Teenagers Misbehaving, for All Online to Watch. What all of these articles have in common is that they all are about teens fighting and video taping their fights and outrageous behavior.
In the case of the article "Web networking photos come back to bite defendants Joshua Lipton was charged in a drunken driving crash that seriously injured a woman, a 20-year-old college junior at the time attended a Halloween party dressed as a prisoner. Pictures from the party showed him in a black-and-white striped shirt and an orange jumpsuit labeled "Jail Bird."
Some how these pictures showed up on the well known site called "Face book" these pictures was used as remarkable evidence for Jay Sullivan, the prosecutor handling Lipton's drunken-driving case. `
Sullivan used the pictures to paint Lipton as an unrepentant partier who lived it up while his victim recovered in the hospital. A judge agreed, calling the pictures depraved when sentencing Lipton to two years in prison. Lipton was sentence to 2years in prison.
"Social networking sites are just another way that people say things or do things that come back and haunt them," said Phil Malone, director of the cyberlaw clinic at Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for Internet & Society. "The things that people say online or leave online are pretty permanent." That's why people should be careful what they say because it can always come back to you when you're on a web site like face book or myspace.
The pictures, when shown at sentencing, not only embarrass defendants but also can make it harder for them to convince a judge that they're remorseful or that their drunken behavior was an aberration. (Of course, the sites are also valuable for defense lawyers looking to dig up dirt to undercut the credibility of a star prosecution witness.)
Teens are caught everyday video taping them selves fighting and just doing stupid stuff. What they don't know is yes , things like that catches lots and lots of teens attention but it also could catch a cop or an adult attention and some one could report it and that could get someone in trouble. Last month, after viewing a video of the beating of a 13-year-old girl that was broadcast on Web sites including In the case of Teenagers misbehaving for all online to watch kids decides to taped their selves MySpace, Photobucket and YouTube, the authorities arrested three freshman girls from nearby North Babylon High School.What comes to someone's mind, Is this a trend or does people really want to hurt other people.
I think that it is right that the people who are on these videos and the ones who are putting these videos on all the websites should be punished. Doing harm to another human being is wrong and taping is worst, people really should be punished for doing things like this. It's not funny that things like this happens to people and it's not a joke. In my opinion I think that is is a trend because allot of teen only wants to do stuff like this when they see someone else doing it and I think that is kind of sad.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Why people shouldn't lie. I think that Mark Twain's ''Advice to Youth" has a unique way of getting his point across about the reasons why people shouldn't lie. He is saying to be careful about lying cause you will eventually get caught. Mark Twain is hilarious as he goes on to saying that the young should not lie unless their have practice and experience. He uses Satire because in the article he will say be respectful of someone that is superior to you and he says "If a person offend you, and you are in doubt as to whether it was intentional or not, do not resort to extreme measures; simply watch your chance and hit him with a brick".I think it is funny because he is using satire.
This cartoon shows the two women in the back just showing their eyes, The satire part of this cartoon is that the man is Not showing his eyes. You want to know why?He is not showing his eyes because he is a terrorist.
Al Gore:
EARTH—Former vice president Al Gore—who for the past three decades has unsuccessfully attempted to warn humanity of the coming destruction of our planet, only to be mocked and derided by the very people he has tried to save—launched his infant son into space Monday in the faint hope that his only child would reach the safety of another world.
"I tried to warn them, but the Elders of this planet would not listen," said Gore, who in 2000 was nearly banished to a featureless realm of nonexistence for promoting his unpopular message. I think Al Gore is saying that he wanted to inform everyone about the information that he knew before things became worst. "They called me foolish and laughed at my predictions. Yet even now, the Midwest is flooded, the ice caps are melting, and the cities are rocked with tremors, just as I foretold. Fools! Why didn't they heed me before it was too late?"
This article makes fun of Al Gore's behavior about the economy and how he's been trying to warn people about the earth for years. Personally I think that it is not a joke and that people really should start doing something about it, and start listening to Al Gore because he is like one in a million. Meaning here is some one that is really trying to help our nation and in form everyone on what is going on. He has been telling us what we should do and informing us that our nation is in trouble and we should start doing things to help it. Al Gore is Someone who I think really wants to help us and he wants to change the world. This why I think he is one in a million. The meaning of satire is the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.
What makes a good liar?
Both authors get their points across about lying but in different ways. The essay written by Montaigne's says that '' If, like the truth, falsehood had only one face, we should know better where we are, for we should then take the opposite of what a liar said to be the truth. But the opposite of a truth has a hundred thousand shapes and a limitless field.'' I like this statement because I feel like it is true. When you tel;l a lie, you can shape it how ever I like. I can tell what at first was the truth then add some others lies on their so the story could be worth hearing.
The quote by Mark Twain uses satire ,which is a word describing people making fun of human vice or weakness. He poem says to me that lying is a everyday thing. People lie all of the time but I lie all of the time, How I'm I going to keep my lies up. How would I remember what I lied about? I think that is so true, people tell lies to people and can't remember what they said or what they lied about. The key thing to remember is "If you tell the truth, You don't have to remember anything''. I say that because if you never lie, than you will never have to remember what you lied about. For Example: If some one asked me how old am I?, and I response by saying I am 21 years old, than that is what their going to believe. Say the person forgets and they ask me again how old am I, I say 18. They are going to know I lied about my age, but if I had simply told them I was 18 in the first place, I would not have to remember the age that I told them.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Why we lie?
#1.Fear: Fear is a common reason for lying. Kids think about what would happen, if the truth came out. Would their mother be really mad?, Would their privileges be taken away?,And how would their father react?. When it all comes down to it the effect of lying is a temporary shelter from punishment. Children may lie because t hey may be afraid of what their parents may do.
#2.Habit:Lying can also become a habit. If a child keeps lying for little reasons, they may be so use to doing it that may will continue.Habitual lying is often strengthened by hostile confrontation. For example: If I thought someone ate may candy and I went up to that person yelling instead of just asking them nicely, they may just lie. The corrected way to deal with someone like that is to give the child a chance to retract the lie without fear of consequences.
I think that this cartoon means
that their are all types of lies, their are rumors, normal lies and innuendo. Many people lie and make things up for no reason at all, just for a excitement.
#3.Modeling:Children also picks up what ever they see around them. Children can also learn how to lie by watching other people. One source of modeling is from within the home. If the parents are doing it, then the lids are going to follow. since the parents can't stop the kids form being around people who lie on the outside then it is best to eliminate lying within the home.
#4.Over prediction:Some kids lie because they over predict a reaction. They predict what t heir parents would say and do before they even do it. One way to address over prediction is to provide the child with clear boundaries and rules, but to let the child know that these boundaries are negotiable.
I've lied before, I can't remember when or what I lied for but I know I did. All kids I think at one time in they life lies, whether if they think it is for a good reason or not they lie. I do not get in trouble for a lie unless it catches up to me, but like people say your lie always catches up so be careful.
I think that this cartoon is really funny but it's kinda messed up. He says to the girl "I would have told you all of this yesterday but i just made it up today". That's shows that it really don't matter when he told her cause he's lying anyway.
Dr. Kutner's, a child Psychologists says that"
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Alternative Energies
Al Gore recently gave a speech discussing the environment and telling us what we needed to do to save energy. There are eight alternative energies that we could use.
General Renewable Energy Resources: Which is energy generated from natural resources—such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat—which are renewable (naturally replenished)General, Solar Thermal,
Solar Electric (Photovoltaic),Wind,Hydroelectric,Biomass,Alternative Fuels,
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC),Wave Energy,Tidal Energy, and Geothermal Energy.
Solar Energy Resources:Solar Cells are really called "photovoltaic" or "photoelectric" cells) that convert light directly into electricity. In a sunny climate, I can get enough power to run a 100W light bulb from just one square meter of solar panel. This was originally developed in order to provide electricity for satellites, now many of us own calculators powered by solar cells. Solar water heating, When the heat from the sun is used to heat water up in glass panels on my roof, this means you don't need to use so much gas or electricity to heat my water at my home.
Solar Furnaces, Use a huge array of mirrors to concentrate the Sun's energy into a small space and produce very high temperatures.They have one at Odellio, in France, used for scientific experiments. It can achieve temperatures up to 33,000 degrees Celsius.
Wind energy resources,
Wind is simple air in motion. It is caused by the uneven heating of the earth’s surface which is created by the sun. Since the earth’s surface is made of very different types of land and water, it absorbs the sun’s heat at different rates.
During the day, the air above the land heats up quicker than the air over water. The warm air over the land expands and rises, the heavier and cooler air rushes in to take its place, creating winds. At night, the winds are reversed because the air cools more rapidly over land than over water. In the same way, the large atmospheric winds that circle the earth are created because the land near the earth's equator is heated more by the sun than the land near the North and South Pole. Today, wind energy is mainly used to generate electricity. Wind is called a renewable energy source because the wind will blow as long as the sun shines
Nuclear energy resources: Nuclear power is generated using Uranium, which is a metal mined in many parts of the world. The first large-scale nuclear power station opened at Calder Hall in Cumbria, England, in the year 1956. Some military ships and submarines have nuclear power plants for engines. Nuclear power produces around 11% of the world's energy needs, and produces huge amounts of energy from small amounts of fuel, without the pollution that you'd get from burning fossil fuels.
Hydroelectric Energy Resources:
The first house in the world to be lit by hydroelectricity was Crag side House, in Northumberland, England, in 1878. There are many hydro-electric power stations, providing around 20% of the world's electricity. The name comes from "hydro", the Greek word for water.How does it work?
A dam is built to trap water, usually in a valley where there is an existing lake. Water is allowed to flow through tunnels in the dam, to turn turbines and thus drive generators.
The dam is much thicker at the bottom than at the top, because the pressure of the water increases with depth. Hydro-electric power stations can produce a lot of power very cheaply.
When it was first built, the huge "Hoover Dam", on the Colorado river, supplied much of the electricity for the city of Las Vegas; however now Las Vegas has grown so much, the city gets most of its energy from other sources. There's a good explanation of how hydro power works at There are many suitable sites around the world, hydro-electric dams are very expensive to build. However, once the station is built, the water comes free of charge, and there is no waste or pollution. Although the dams are very expensive, after the dam is built, you'll be saving lots and lots of money.
Biomass Energy Resources:
Wood was once our main fuel. We burned it to heat our homes and cook our food.
Wood still provides a small percentage of the energy we use. Sugar cane is grown in some areas, and can be fermented to make alcohol, which can be burned to generate power.
Alternatively, the cane can be crushed and the pulp (called "bagasse") can be burned, to make steam to drive turbines. Other solid wastes, can be burned to provide heat, or used to make steam for a power station.
"Bio conversion" uses plant and animal wastes to produce fuels such as methanol, natural gas, and oil.
We can use rubbish, animal manure, wood chips, seaweed, corn stalks and other wastes.
How does it works?
The fuel is burned, which heats water into steam, which turns turbines, which in turn drive generators, just like in a fossil-fuel power station.
Sugar cane
Sugar cane is harvested and taken to a mill, where it is crushed to extract the juice. The juice is used to make sugar, whilst the left-over pulp, called "bagasse" can be burned in a power station.
The station usually provides power for the sugar mill, as well as selling electricity to the surrounding area.
It makes sense to use waste materials where we can.
The fuel tends to be cheap.
Less demand on the Earth's resources.It's all about saving energy and money and as a nation we need to figure out the best way to do that.
Geothermal energy
The centre of the Earth is around 6000 degrees Celsius - hot enough to melt rock. Even a few kilometres down, the temperature can be over 250 degrees Celsius.
In general, the temperature rises one degree Celsius for every 36 metres you go down.
In volcanic areas, molten rock can be very close to the surface.
Geothermal energy has been used for thousands of years in some countries for cooking and heating.
The name "geothermal" comes from two Greek words: "Geo" means "Earth" and "thermal" means "heat".
How it works
Hot rocks underground heat water to produce steam. We drill holes down to the hot region, steam comes up, is purified and used to drive turbines, which drive electric generators.
There may be natural "groundwater" in the hot rocks anyway, or we may need to drill more holes and pump water down to them.
The first geothermal power station was built at Landrello, in Italy, and the second was at Wairekei in New Zealand. Others are in Iceland, Japan, the Philippines and the United States.
Monday, July 21, 2008
AL GORE (American Activist)
Our nation is in trouble, we are fighting over oil, In the speech Al Gore referred to the weather and remarked if we noticed that the weather is getting stranger. With more floods, more fires in California.The war in Iraq and Afghanistan is getting worse. We rely on carbon based fuels too much. Some products of carbon based fuels are: Gas, Oil, Cellar phones, Computers, and plastic.We are borrowing money from China to buy oil from the Persia Gulf to destroy the planet. It doesn't make sense, we need to find a less expensive way to live I'll life. Higher temperatures lead to dryer vegetation. He says what if we could use fuels that aren't expensive and don't cost pollution.The answer is we could with(SOLAR ENERGY). When the demand for oil and coal increases, the price goes up but when the demand of solar energy increases, the price often comes down.Every one degree that goes up in the temperature, lightening will strike 10% more. We have less then ten years to make changes or we could lose our ability to ever recover from this environment crisis.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Benjamin Franklin
I think that the quote means that if some ones tell you something, It can be true or not true. If I know it's true then I don't have to investigate it but if I am not sure about what someones is telling me then I have to investigate it.People talk all the time and most of the time people don't even know what they are talking about.So allot of times I have to investigate and find out if what was told to me true.
For example: I can tell someone something that I know about another person but how do the person that I'm telling the information to know that i am telling the truth, he or she if they want would have to investigate.
That's why I think that Benjamin Franklin says that I shouldn't believe everything that I hear because if I hear information about something and I know it's true then I won't have to look in to it but if I am not sure about the information that I hear, then I must investigate and find out what I would like to know.As much as we rely on our eyes, the truth is our eyes can play tricks on us.Just like we can see something normally, we can also think that we saw something.People uses they eyes to see but what I think I see may not always be the case.For
Example: If I saw my friend boyfriend with a girl, I could tell her what I saw. Get her all mad and upset , then find out later that the girl I saw him with was his sister. I am seeing it with my very eyes doesn't mean that it is real. It's only what I think I'm seeing. I shouldn't judge someone that I don't know or make comments about things that I know nothing about. I should ask questions if I want to know something(Investigate)or say nothing at all.I think that everyone should do that, I think everyone should be sure about what they see and hear because if I am telling people false information, that could cause problems. That is why investigating is important.
One quote that I like is:
"Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with shades of deeper meaning. "
Maya Angelou
I think that this quote is saying that words and the meaning of words are important. People don't understand how important words are. There are many people who often use words in many ways. Words can hurt someones feelings and can break people's spirits. Words can lift someones spirits up and it can make someone smile. Words, especially powerful words are important. As humans give the words deeper meanings. Some people don't understand the power of the word.
For example, of some powerful words to me:Love, Sex, and Negro(A word used to call African Americans during slavery time). Those are all powerful words and many people use t hem with out knowing the meaning of each of them.
Love, I wouldn't just tell someone I love them and I really didn't love them.
You have to also know how to say it, cause after all Maya did say ''It takes a Human voice to infuse them with shades of deeper meaning.
Sex, People don't understand that sex is a big thing to people and lot of Young girls uses their body like a product off a shelve at a store, some people just don't have any respect for them selves.
Negro(nigga), This is a word that African American people are ashamed of , Yet black people still wants to use it. It has become a habit now. Every other word is a n****, Its really starting to piss me off after we was called that word while we were slaves. I am deeply ashamed.I feel that African American people should have more class and proud of where we come from. I think that I should be proud that people fault for me to be here, I didn't just get an eduction over night and some people just take hings for granted.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
New York City Schools
The article is about New York city Schools and how they have been improving. This year people did a survey for our New York Schools, more people responded this year than year last year. This year people really put out an effort to get their opinions across. Micheal.R. Bloomberg announced that more than 800,000 people respond to this year survey, this survey cost 2million to conducted.I think that there is a lot of work in school safety that needs to be done in our New York City schools. Doing surveys are not going to fully solve the issues. We as a community needs to come together and talk about what we can do to help our schools, mainly our public schools. Public schools are the most Unsafe schools in New York City in my opinion. I don't think that there is enough people protecting our young or older kids in our communities. There are too many violent situations going on in our schools today.
I think that it's great that test scores went up but their are not enough people graduating. Some people have learning disabilities and others just simply don't want to learn. I feel like if you're a teacher and you're teaching a student but the student doesn't quite get what you're teaching, it's not always the student fault. Sometimes schools have to evaluate each teacher and each student to figure out which student would best fit with what teacher because not everyone could learn from the same teacher.
I'm I satisfied with my education?: Honestly, no I am not satisfied because of the simple fact that I know it could be much better. The schools itself could be much cleaner, it could be a much safer place and, teachers could be much more patient with their students.
I think when you become a teacher you know that you have to be patient because while there may be a couple of bright students in your class or a couple of people who are going to understand what you said the first time, you won't have to repeat yourself, you also know that there are going to be people who you might have to repeat yourself several times . I know being a teacher isn't easy but neither is being a student. We have school work, homework and test we have to worry about and then we go home and have to do work there too. I think teachers shouldn't be so hard. I basically just think that if you pair the students up with the right teacher, maybe there would be more passing grades.I think that if the faculty at the school could also help by motivating students to do good and letting them know that no matter what your pass grades looked like, you could still turn it around and make your parents proud. I think that there are so many negative comments made these days, that we all should just focus on the positive and let go of the negative.
Yes schools have been improving but I think that we can still improve
much more.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Examples of Tupac music: "Keep your head up", and ''IF I DIED 2NITE''
One of his poems are...
when your hero falls from grace
all fairy tales r uncovered
myths exposed and pain magnified
the greatest pain discovered
u taught me 2 be strong
but I'm confused 2 c u so weak
u said never 2 give up
and it hurts 2 c u welcome defeat
when ure hero falls so do the stars
and so does the perception of tomorrow
without my hero there is only
me alone 2 deal with my sorrow
your heart ceases 2 work
and your soul is not happy at all
what r u expected 2 do
when ure only hero falls.
Interpretation of the poem: I think that the poem means that when the person that you look up to falls and give up on something, after that there's nothing to look forward to. All is defeated, he's saying that his hero taught him how to be strong but he's confused because his hero is showing weakness.
One of his quotes is:"The real tragedy is that there are some ignorant brothers out here. That's why I'm not on this all-White or all Black shit. I'm on this all-real or all fake shit with people, whatever color you are. Because niggaz will do you. I mean, there's some [foul] niggaz out there [in the streets]; the same niggaz that did Malcolm X, the same niggaz that did Jesus Christ- every brother ain't a brother. They will do you. So just because it's Black, don't mean it's cool. And just because it's White don't mean it's evil."
Interpretation: I love this quote because to me it shows that Tupac was a real person.
a real person or not. He is saying that even the people that is the same color and In this quote he's saying that to him it was never about color, black and white. It's about if you're race as you would stab you in the back. I agree because all people do now in days is worry about race and their are allot of people that are racist but if you really think hard about it and realize that it's not about color because if someone is ignorant , that person is just ignorant. It's not the whole race.
You could tell that everything he wrote about came from within. I am more of a R&B lover but I love hearing Tupac songs because he was not just a rapper, he was a poet. That was what made him special. The fact that he took his own life experiences and put it in his songs was wonderful, I believe that many people misunderstood him. They say "To be great is to be misunderstood", sometimes I wish I could just talk to Tupac and him how I feel, and what's going on in my life because I know he would probably be the only one that would understand. What's crazy is that people don't even understand how much music can inspire people, music is very inspirational. Tupac has taught me that I should want better for myself cause even when you don't have anything or anyone in the world you could make it to the top.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
"Habits of minds"to me is basic human behavior. The way a human react to certain things.
The questions that aren't answered, the things we want to know. Habits of mind has to do with uncertainties that we as humans face everyday, dilemmas, I'll thinking, I'll social attitude and our actions as humans.
The ''Habit of mind'' that I most identify with is #5 Thinking about our Thinking.
This habit of mind to me means that we often look at our selves from the inside out and just think about questions that can't be answered, And problems that can't be solved.
I always think why do i do this?, and why do I do that?. I evaluate my own thinking and wonder why I think how I think , And do anyone else think how I think.
''Thinking about our thinking'' is what I do most, I even think wow I can talk.I am what they call a human. What was I before i got here and who was I?
Sometimes my thinking can touch the sky, I never stop because their are so many unanswered questions so I am not finished asking.***....Holla***
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I am Kimberly Hyman
I wonder why do life have to be so complicated sometimes.
I hear the wind blowing.
I see the birds flying.
I want to see the world.
I am beautiful and I have a creative mind.
I pretend I am a super model.
I feel like I am on top of the world.
I touch my dreams.
I worry I may not accomplish them.
I cry for my pain and desires.
I am beautiful and I have a creative mind.
I understand that life is a lesson cause I live and learn.
I dream about a better life.
I try to appreciate all the things I have in life.
I hope that I accomplish all of my dreams and goals.
I am beautiful and I have a creative mind.